Decayed Love

o! what a terrible thing that

i must admit: i’ve cornered you,

my silver subaru rumbling 

not without struggle. one hit wonders

sink into the background, overpowered

by our unsightly silence.

your face contorts in purposeful 

confusion – how peculiar! prying 

into my hand, what’s happened? 

your quivering lips and blood 

stained skin say otherwise.

we exchange breaths, and i am

suffocated by its chastity.

i peer past your eyes, and i pity

its cool glow amidst the humidity of 

this summer night. your

heart was still whole,

and i grasp your hand, remember our first

date? back in february, i say.

you were timid, you kept looking down

towards your shoes – they were black nike

running shoes, but the laces had traces

of mud, and a small hole peeked 

through your toes.

i caress the edges of your soul, just as i did

no more than a summer ago. it was

comfortable, i let our hearts collide

as we grazed lips. you tasted like

hand-squeezed orange juice – you smelled

like store-bought mint, and the rips on your

shoes were ever growing. i loved you then,

i love you now, but

i’ve begun to drown you

out with faint memories and vivid

fantasies. i peer into your eyes and

the world slumps and dulls with

agonizing apathy.

i let you pour me a pitcher of your secrets,

your aspirations, and all that made you

feel full. and yet, I ran away with the

leftovers of your love, only to splatter

its remains on the side of an empty street.

Essence of fragile leaves

Taint the canvas of your city.

Your brightness lurks in the background,

‘Twas only a fortnight ago could I still

 Trace an outline of your face.

Please dear, please describe once 

More the fair-weathered flora and 

Fauna of D.C., for my paint strokes 

Are muddled with unbecoming memories of you. 

This piece has warped into winter, the

Warmth of your town whisked away, 

Along with my shivering soul. This landscape

Has become barren, I’m rushing to saturate

It with snippets of your life.

Perhaps you’ve found someone new; I

Hope she’s the muse that you’ve molded

In your sketchbook. I hope you 

Trapped her in your painting and erased 

Me with one stroke of your sinful brush.

A new figure is emerging from the shadows,

And you’ve begun to crackle and fade into

The coldness. I’ve drawn you a streetlight,

Aglow like autumn nights in the capital. 

Stay warm, and far, far away.

From the author:

Heartbreak is a horrible feeling year-round, but it often becomes highlighted during the month of February – the month of love. Everywhere you go, you are surrounded by happy couples, bouquets of roses, boxes of chocolates, etc. This Valentine’s day, I reflected on the paths I've taken to become who I am today and the people I left behind throughout this endeavor. Most significantly, I grappled with the idea of “what could’ve been.” How differently my life could have been, what mistakes I made that forever changed my course of being. Could my love life truly have had that much impact on the person that I’ve become? The poems I’ve written above walk you through my thought process, detailing moments of apathy, regret, and guilt.

Ava Im

Ava is a writer for the MA:E Magazine editorial team. She can be reached at


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